Anthropology in the age of algorithms: navigating new frontiers with AI Djuke Veldhuis

Anthropology in the age of algorithms: navigating new frontiers with AI Djuke Veldhuis

Associate Professor / Course Director; Bachelor of Science Advanced – Global Challenges (Honours) Faculty of Science, Monash University, Australia

Abstract: This webinar delves into the tangible shifts in our world, courtesy of Language Models (LLMs) and AI advancements, and particularly their impact on the field of anthropology. From streamlining data analysis to offering fresh perspectives on human evolution, AI is fundamentally shaping research, whether we embrace it or not. Looking forward, I will explore potential trajectories for the discipline. Anticipate discussions on emerging methodologies such as virtual reconstructions and AI-driven genetic analyses, and their implications for future research directions. Whether you’re a seasoned researcher or an aspiring student, my aim is to provide a platform where together we can interrogate, discuss, and deliver insights into the evolving landscape of biological anthropological research and education in the era of AI.


